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1. Use Of Online Account: We make it a requirement for all online members ('User') of Erotic Night's In to create their very own 'User' friendly profiles bearing information of their choice, that includes: images, music, phone numbers, emails, financial data, etc, except content that is prohibited by this Privacy Policy, and others set within our website.  It is the duty and responsibility of each online member ('User') to manage their own 'User' profiles and accounts, and to keep their information, such as; Personal, confidential, and reserved information private to avoid suspicious and fraudulent activities. Erotic Night's In, will not share, sell, or reveal this stored information deemed personal, (not including displayed information by each 'User'), to others. Each online 'User' can update, cancel, or terminate their accounts at any given time. Displayed information will prompt each member ('User') whether such information being stored, will be displayed on the website for others to see, or not see.


2. Play Restrictions: It is mandatory for all online members ('User') of Erotic Night's In to abide by these guidelines to help avoid breach, harm, or injury to/from others. Erotic Night's In strongly prohibits all unlawful activities, such as: Violence alike, sexual harassment, sexual abuse in any nature, stalking alike, misuse of drugs, false information alike, explicit content that displays violence, threats, child pornography, human trafficking, fraud, harmful content, identity theft, etc at all times. These actions will not be accepted nor tolerated at any given time and may result in immediate cancellation or termination of your online account with us. without the chance to dispute such action.

Any and all members ('User') is restricted:

  • To upload, or create, or transfer, or distribute, or sell, or copy, or use content or materials that appear to be obscene, destructive, disturbing, or unlawful in nature;

  • To copy, or screenshot, or use other member ('User') accounts and their information without his/her approval;

  • From committing copyright infringement and right violations, included, but not limited to, terms, conditions, bylaws, ordinances, policies, and other rules of Erotic Night's In;

  • To modify, or alter, or amend, or copy, or distribute, or use any information and their materials reserved by Erotic Night's In;

  • From violating and trespassing against this Privacy Policy, included, but not limited to, codes, ordinances, bylaws, guidelines, and other rules of Erotic Night's In;

3. Playing It Safe: As a online member ('User') of Erotic Night's In, including, but not limited to, it's services whether online or offline, it is a requirement to keep sensitive information or personal information to yourself. We strongly advise each online member ('User') to adhere to the instructions, rules, and regulations when prompted to avoid injury in any nature. Take extreme precaution when engaging or participating in any service provided by Erotic Night's In, as we shall not be held liable or responsible in any way for any member ('User') encounters, and communications. Help us to help you!


For online and offline sexual practices, we strongly encourage and advise each member ('User') that he/she complies with Erotic Night's In requirements to help avoid or lower the risk of sexual transmitted diseases alike.

4. Chance Of Participation: As a online member ('User') of Erotic Night's In, including, but limited to, it's services, each online member ('User') may be given chances to participate in activities offline. Such activities, that includes events, may not be displayed on the website, but however are sent out by invitation via email. 

5. Limitations Of Offline Invitations: It is strongly noted that not every member ('User') of Erotic Night's In, including it's services, may be able to participate in this offline feature. Invitations are sometimes usually sent out at random, but in small numbers. Some offline activities may at random be displayed in the Play Community for new participants ('User') to enter by accessing our 'Play Events' section.

6. Right Of Termination Of Online And Offline Accounts: Erotic Night's In, including it's authorized staff has the right to remove, cancel, or terminate any online and/or offline account, or services at any time, if we feel, or determine that such 'User' account violates our Privacy Policy prohibited by law or 'At Will'.

 7. Play Member Passes And Uses: What are Play Member Passes ('i.e. Play Star cards, E-Pass, V.I.P Pass, Play Member Plus E-Cards, and Quick Play cards')? This type of pass grants an online member ('User') free or paid access to Erotic Night's In exclusive features and services. 


Each pass that is generated by Erotic Night's In, are subject to Erotic Night's In policies and restrictions at all times, included, but limited to, Play Guidelines, Member Bylaws, Legal Terms and Copyrights, Terms Of Use, and other rules not specified herein. The aforementioned pass is restricted from committing violations of said policies, fraud, and accessing other accounts, such as; Businesses accounts, ATM's, identification purposes alike, badges, etc. This type of pass is only accessed when activities are displayed on our website, which may be available for online members ('User') to purchase or obtain without charge. Each pass granted to a member ('User') will have expiration dates. Most passes issued by Erotic Night's In may expire immediately after the displayed date or activity is over.

Updates and changes of our Privacy Policy, terms, conditions, ordinances, rules, and others, may be made at any given time. 

Safety And Security

To better help ensure the safety and security of Erotic Night's In and it's online members ('User') privacy rights, it is the right of each online member ('User') to choose what information to upload, or update, or to disclose such information to be made public to their standards. All information stored under the key lock symbol will be kept confidential to the member ('User').

1. Sexual Orientation: As being a member ('User') of Erotic Night's In, it is important that such member ('User') be categorized as 'Male' (M') or 'Female' ('F') for their sexual status or 'Sex' status.


We expect online members ('User') to be honest about his/her 'Sex' status when engaging with other members ('User') online. Erotic Night's In may prohibit or restrict certain 'Sex' groups from accessing our website and services 'At Will'.

2. Restricted Access: Erotic Night's In may restrict access to any member ('User') based on any groups, or sex, or race, or nationality, or origin, or racial background at any given time or date.

Restricted access may be applied to members ('User') who does not meet our criteria for qualified member ('User') access of our website and services 'At Will' by Erotic Night's In at any given time or date.

Restricted access may also be applied to members ('User') who are in violation of our rules, policies, restrictions, bylaws, and others not specified herein by Erotic Night's In, included, but not limited to, Terms Of Use, Legal Terms And Copyrights, etc, directly, indirectly, or inadvertently.

3. Shared Media Content: For each online member ('User') participating in Erotic Night's In online services or offline services, it is important to understand that, disturbing images, or graphic videos, or any form of media content containing prohibited materials and violence alike, that member's ('User') online account will be terminated immediately without warning or notification of any kind. Prohibited content may at times be reported. Each registrant ('User') must understand that content shared to, or from other registrants ('User'), Erotic Night's In is not responsible for. Each action taken by the registrant ('User') is done on his/her freewill act.

Upon accessing this website, you hereby agree to adhere to these terms and conditions that is stated within this Privacy Policy. You also agree that his/her action to access this website was done on his/her freewill act and deed, and that such act has waived your 'Rights To Sue' in any nature against Erotic Night's In, included, but not limited to, third parties or Service Providers.


For the void of perjury, and of filing any civil and/or criminal action against Erotic Night's In and it's members ('User') and staffs, Erotic Night's In has set forth it's law, rule, policy, regulation, and/or order herein for the visitors and participants awareness in Good Faith. All rights are reserved.

It is strongly important to note, that Erotic Night's In and it's Service Provider does not promote nor tolerate nor are engaged into any unlawful activities, included, but not limited to, sex trafficking, sex crimes, harassment, or violence in any nature.

4. Backcheck Background Check: As a member ('User') of Erotic Night's In, you hereby authorize Erotic Night's In to conduct background checks pertaining to your agreement and participation, for any and all criminal activities and their information, included, but not limited to, activities that violate our policies, etc, 'At Will' for your security and safety.

ID Verify: ID Verify is a program offered by Erotic Night's In for members (User') to help verify his/her identity. Members (User') can apply online for a verified account ('VERIFIED ACCOUNT') for free at any time.

For more help, visit our 'Help Center' for any additional questions that you may possibly have.

Disclaimer: Erotic Night's In and it's services were created without the United States, included, but not limited to, jure; united states, United States of America, united states of america alike, and that this website contains graphic images, videos, or content alike, that may not be suitable for children under the age of 18 years old. Be sure to speak with your legal guardian before entering this website and services provided by Erotic Night's In. Erotic Night's In has the following rights, not excluding reserved rights, property rights, and other rights not mentioned herein, to deny its website access and services to any and all visitors and participants regardless of person, nationality, color, jurisdiction, sexual orientation and/or status for the safety and security of Erotic Night's In and it's members and staffs. If any entity of any kind, causes to injure, attempt to conspire, attempt to subject, intimidate, alter, misrepresent, and/or cause to commit any unlawful act Erotic Night's In and it's guests, visitors, vendors, employees, and contractors/third parties will be automatically subject to the penalties mentioned herein: 3 Years in prison; $ 10,000.00 fine' or both. To underage minors, To any and all government agencies and their law enforcement departments alike, upon entering this website, you hereby agree and certify that you are bound by such terms stated herein, whether under color of any law or diversity jurisdiction.  Failure to present legal documentation, included, but not limited to, jurisdiction alike, over Erotic Night's In, and it's members alike, will result as trespass, and subject to the aforementioned penalties mentioned above. All members of Erotic Night's In are private for security purposes. No material or content created by Erotic Night's In shall be used or shared at any given time, in any nature. All rights reserved.

Registration Approval

1. Registration Approval: It is by law that each visitor ('e.g. Guest, member') of Erotic Night's In provide the necessary information required for registration approval, and for online use.


2.Verification Of Information Needed   to help avoid fraud, false information, or any other unlawful activities, certain information is collected for security purposes, such as:- A valid State Driver's License or a State Identification card with the appropriate entity matching the identity on the State Driver's License or State Identification card.- A valid picture of yourself holding the State Driver's License or State Identification card, to confirm the age and appropriate entity registering to become an online member ('User') of Erotic Night's In. Once information is submitted, each visitor may or may not receive confirmation that such information submitted was granted or approved automatically. Erotic Night's In does not promote unlawful activities of any kind, for each request for information made, is to help avoid identity theft fraud alike. Your personal identity shall not be sold, conveyed, delivered, or given to other entities without the sole individual's and/or person's consent. These conditions must be met as an online user of Erotic Night's In, and it's services. No other action is needed. All information is hereby recorded for security purposes.


3. Screenshotting RestrictionsIf you are reported screenshotting unauthorized content that is extremely sensitive or considered to be sensitive to our Erotic Night's In visitors (e.g. Guests, members, users'), your online account will be investigated and terminated immediately by Erotic Night's In. It is important to respect and understand the privacy rights of online members ('User') of Erotic Night's In. We advise each online member ('User') to use the download feature options on our website that indicate 'Download' for content use.


4. Registration Denial: Your online account may be cancelled or terminated or denied for any reason, without your acknowledgement or consent alike by Erotic Night's In 'At Will', at any given time or date.

Gender Classification

Erotic Night's In, openly accepts members ('User') who rightfully identify as 'Male' or 'Female' being in his/her full natural capacity from birth. Other gender roles outside the requirements made by Erotic Night's In shall be denied access to our website, included, but not limited to, services and member (User') privileges.

Payment Transaction

1. Refunds For Play Store: To qualify for a refund for any item or product purchased from our online store, we require evidence to be proven that either the item or product purchased was: Broken, damaged, defective, or incorrect size sent via email only. Memberships purchased are not elifible for a refund.

2. Subscription RenewalsFor each subscription, upon purchase of any item, plan, goods, or services, reoccurring payment transactions are automatically set by default until cancelled by the customer. Subscriptions are renewed starting from the date purchased by the customer. 

3. Booking Refunds And Deposit Refunds: Booking deposits are non-refundable. For booked appointments purchased by the member (User') under 'Play Star Bookings' may be eligible for a booking refund if the member ('User') has not initially finalized the booked service or has not yet completed the final transaction with the 'Play Star Models'.

Data Collection

In order to obtain services provided from Erotic Night's In, including it's third parties and Service Providers, biometric data, and personal data may be needed and collected for security reasons, such as: Personal information, Driver's License, Identification Cards, Passport Identification, Full Name, Address, Date Of Birth, Age, Phone Numbers, images, etc.

Our 'IPRO' security network, along with our 'ISEE' monitoring system, helps us to boost the prevention of data breaches, and is working around the clock, 24/7 to ensure security to Erotic Night's In members ('User').


With this online consent, you hereby express your online agreement that  Erotic Night's In will receive and manage your personal data, including your biometric data, gained from remote identification of your personal identity by taking and/or filming live images of your face, your person's identity or the document used to identify it and/or their image and the personal data contained in them and/or check in the population registry: image of your face, name, surname, nationality, gender, personal code, date of birth, numbers of the document that is being used, date of issue and validity, your electronic signature and the transfer of such data to the aforementioned security network, and monitoring system.


You also note that you are informed that the controller of your personal data, including your biometric data, specified in this consent, Erotic Night's In, and it's security network and monitoring system, will process your personal data only until the remote identification procedure is over and the results will be transferred to Erotic Night's In, including, it's security network and monitoring system.


You also declare that you are informed and agree that your personal data obtained for remote identification and its purposes may be stored by Erotic Night's In for longer periods of time than it takes for the identification to be completed or transmission of its results to the Service Provider, but only at the request of Erotic Night's In contractual obligation to the Service Provider, but not longer than it is defined in the Contract that was signed between Erotic Night's In and Service Provider or requested by the Service Provider.


You are informed, that you can submit request regarding your personal data for more detailed information at Hereby you declare and confirm, that all the personal data you will provide for remote identification of my personal identity purpose, are correct and accurate, and the document, which you will use for this purpose is not false and valid.

For the sole purpose of this agreement, personal data, and other forms of data given by you and to Erotic Night's In, will not be sold, exchanged, conveyed, released, or granted unto no other entities of any kind. In compliance with the law for the safety of your data collected, certain data may be released from time to time, upon your written, and/or verbal consent, to higher government officials with the delegated authority to access the data given. With data granted to the government officials, it may help to increase cbersecurity to better help protect your online rights, and stored data.

Any and all data, and their information provided by each member ('User'), is stored for security reasons. No information and their data shall be made transferrable at any given time or date. It is the right of Erotic Night's In to store any and all data granted or submitted by the member ('User'), to access our services. 


Upon any registration submission, each signature given shall be in compliance as a contractual agreement to adhere by the 'User' under the business and services of Erotic Night's In rules, regulations, or policy that is set herein. 

In order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Erotic Night's In services and operations that require or request signatures to indicate written approvals or acknowledgements, Erotic Night's In may accept electronic signatures to replace previously required handwritten original signatures on paper documents.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Erotic Night's In accepts electronic signatures as legally binding and equivalent to handwritten signatures to signify agreement or approval. This policy establishes the process for designating transactions that can legally accept electronic signatures and how Erotic Night's In and it's Service Provider will accept and verify electronic signatures. Where nonrepudiation of the authenticity of a particular signature is required, a digital signature, may be required.

Failure to sign electronically, may result in automatic rejection and/or termination of online account. It is mandatory that to understand the laws that help govern the rights of Erotic Night's In, and it's services. Once electronic signature is accepted, it shall be entered as an agreement as it would be on paper between two parties or more.

With your submitted electronic signature, you hereby waive all rights to sue Erotic Night's In and it's Service Porvider(s) in any nature, whether civil, and/or criminal.

Return Policy

We may accept the following returns of products or items purchased from our online store if:

  • Purchased within 30 days from the actual purchase date;

  • Defective, destroyed, damaged, or incorrect size;

To be qualified for reimbursement, we require all users to send us proof including any actual photos or videos to help verify your submission via email for review. Please confirm with our online department before sending the product back to us. 

Reimbursement time window is between 7 - 14 business days depending on your financial institution.

Waiver Form

The form herein known as the, 'Member Sign Up' form, and 'Sign In With Social Links' action button shall constitute as a 'Waiver' ('Waiver Of Rights') form to sue Erotic Night's In in any nature, to participate in any and all services, and that by your electronic signature submitted, you confirm that you are at least eighteen ('18') years of age, and upon such submission, you fully understand the Privacy Policy, including the Terms And Conditions, Legal Terms And Copyrights, etc, stated within Erotic Night's in, and that you enter voluntary on your own freewill act and deed basis.  This said 'Waiver', shall be used as physical evidence for any reason. By joining as an online and offline member, you hereby agree to waive your rights to sue in any nature.

For legal reasons, it is within Erotic Night's In's best interest to help protect it's members ('User') rights, in the exercise or practice of sexual freedom within our online and offline communities.

Erotic Night's In, does not take any full responsibility, for any reason at any given time, for our visitor's ('Guests, members') voluntary actions taken at any given time, whatsoever, within our services alike. In addition to member ('User') 'Waiver' of rights, the member ('User') additionally waives any and all:

  • Discriminatory rights;

  • Religious rights;

  • Sex rights;

  • Human rights;

Erotic Night's In Rights

The policies, codes, ordinances, rules, terms, conditions, and bylaws of Erotic Night's In, truly affirm that Erotic Night's In holds full rights pertaining to each member ('User') performed agreement and participation, to protect members ('User') accounts, or materials, or information, or content to where such is threatened or defamed from/against other members ('User') at any given time or date. No right exercised or freely practiced of Erotic Night's In shall be subject to any color of law, or foreign government, or ordinances in conflict, directly, indirectly, or inadvertently, to the policies, rules, codes, guidelines, restrictions, bylaws, and other terms and conditions of Erotic Night's In., neither shall constitute as a 'Waiver' of any said right reserved or protected by law. 

Erotic Night's In can claim right violations and any other violations related to such, for any and all attempted 'Breach' and violations committed or incurred by any member ('User') of Erotic Night's In, to obtain remedies herein and other legal remedies not specified herein. Erotic Night's In may obtain remedies and other legal remedies not specified herein, if:

  • Any member ('User') attempt to violate any said right of Erotic Night's In, included, but not limited to, reserved rights, privacy rights, confidentiality rights, proprietary rights, terms, conditions, bylaws, policies, and other rights related to such, of Erotic Night's In and it's members ('User');

With addition to 'Authority Of Policy' stated below, Erotic Night's In has the additional rights to:​

  • Revoke, or cancel, or suspend, or terminate any member ('User') account, included, but not limited to, his/her content, data, biometric data, materials, and any other information associated to his/her agreement;

  • Own and be the sole and lawful of any work, brands, copyrights, trademarks, registry marks, symbols, logos, names, data, and any other materials or information pertaining to the business and services of Erotic Night's In;

  • Terminate, or suspend, or withhold any wire transfers and payments associated to such, without the written approval of any member ('User');

  • Deny and reject any registration submitted by any member ('User'), regardless of any members ('User') race, religious backgrounds, sex, origin, nationality, or beliefs;

  • Remedy, settle, reject, revoke, or terminate any member's ('User') legal disputes or online submissions without reason nor notification to any member ('User');

  • Conduct investigations of any kind, in any nature, to protect the business and services of Erotic Night's In;

  • Collect, review, monitor, and store information of Erotic Night's In members ('User');

  • File suit of any class to obtain remedy and other legal remedies not specified herein;

  • Modify, update, alter, revoke, amend, or terminate any policy, or rule, or term, or condition, or ordinance, or guideline, or restriction pertaining to the business and services of Erotic Night's in;

  • Reserve or report information to help aid competent governments to persecute any criminal of committing any state or federal offense;

  • Receive and obtain remedy and other legal remedies not specified herein for member ('User') violations, included, but not limited to, injuries, harm, costs, fees, awards, monetary compensation, and other reliefs incurred by the unlawful or restricted acts of the member ('User');

Authority Of Policy

Under this Privacy Policy, the member ('User') grants, transfer, convey, deliver, and establish Erotic Night's In the full rights and powers to alter, amend, revoke, cancel, modify, manage, market, advertise, administer, trade, and terminate this Privacy Policy, included, not limited to, terms, conditions, guidelines, legal terms and copyrights, terms of use, member ('User') agreement and registration sign up form, in whole or in part, at any given time or date without any form of 'Waiver' or written approval of the member ('User').

Member Warranty

As a member ('User') of Erotic Night's In, you hereby warrant, agree, and covenant the following, during and after your agreement to participate, at all times:

  • I will not attempt to harm, or injure, or threaten, or obstruct, or damage, or sabotage, or infiltrate, or violate, or trespass against the rights of Erotic Night's In, included, but not limited to, third parties, Service Providers, and other member ('User') rights;

  • I will not coerce, or force, or scheme, or defraud other members ('User') to give our any personal, or confidential, or reserved information about his/her/themselves;

  • I will not attempt to disclose, or copy, or release, or leak, or transfer, or trade, or deliver any information, or content, or materials made confidential or proprietary in nature to others;

  • I will not attempt to coerce, or force, or intimidate, or humiliate, or harass, or bribe other members ('User') to engage or commit any prohibited activity or acts made restricted or prohibited by Erotic Night's In, in any nature;

  • I will not attempt to upload, , or download, or copy, or create, or use, or disclose, or trade, or distribute, or market, or sell, or transfer, or display any materials or content that could potentially violate or injure the rights of Erotic Night's In, included, but limited to, legal terms and copyrights, terms of use, guidelines, conditions, restrictions, policies, rules, ordinances, and member ('User') agreement of Erotic Night's In;

  • I will not attempt to alter, or circumvent, or modify, or amend, or copy, or distort any materials, or content, or information of Erotic Night's In, included, but not limited to, data, confidential information, proprietary information, policies, bylaws, codes, terms, conditions, rules, guidelines, and any other information reserved by Erotic Night's In, either in the likeness thereof;

  • I will not attempt to create or use any false information, included, but not limited to, fake accounts, fake emails, or any other false information to defraud or deceive Erotic Night's In and other members ('User');

  • I will treat and respect other members ('User'), during my agreement;

  • I understand that I am solely responsible, accountable, and liable to any and all damages, costs, fees, injuries, insurance, awards, remedy, and any other relief incurred by my actions against Erotic Night's In and it's members ('User');

  • I sac knowledge and agree to be subject to the terms, conditions, policies, codes, ordinances, governing grounds, bylaws, civil penalties, and rules of Erotic Night's In;

  • I am under no restraints or duress to engage in the business and services of Erotic Night's In whatsoever, and enter on my own freewill act;

Member Breach

The member's ('User') online account and his/her membership privileges may terminate immediately, included, but not limited to, his/her data, membership, subscriptions, content, and any other information related to the member ('User') upon any and all forms of breach ('Breach') of this privacy policy, included, but not limited to, rules, ordinances, guidelines, codes, bylaws, terms, conditions, and any other rule related to the business and services of Erotic Night's In, at any given time or date by the member ('User'), excluding civil penalties for Erotic Night's In injuries, costs, fess, obligations, remedy, relief, or any other harm incurred by the unlawful or prohibited acts of the member ('User').

1. Breach Defined: A breach ('Breach') is defined as any default, or failure to perform. or failure to execute as agreed under an agreement or contract by two or more parties.

2. Breached Party Defined: A breached party ('Breached Party') is a party or member ('User') who has violated a term, or condition, or provision, or code, or policy, or rule, or restriction, or bylaw, or guideline of Erotic Night's In, whether directly, or indirectly, or inadvertently.

3. Injured Party Defined: A injured party ('Injured Party') is a party of an agreement or contract that has been negatively affected or injured by the violation, or restricted, or prohibited acts of another party.

4. Breach Summary: A 'Breach' can occur upon any failed act to perform agreed or established by two or more individuals of an agreement or contract ('Hence Erotic Night's In and Member ['User]'), included, but not limited to, execution of any term, or condition, or bylaw, or policy, or restriction, or rule of Erotic Night's In.

5. Causes Of Breach: A default ('Breach') can occur, if any member ('User'):

  • Fail to comply or adhere to any said term, or condition, or ordinance, or code, or bylaw, or provision, or restriction, or any other rule pertaining to the business and services of Erotic Night's In, included, but not limited to, member ('User') agreement;

  • Attempt to break, violate, or trespass against the rights of Erotic Night's In, included, but not limited to, other member ('User') rights;

Any and all violations committed or incurred by any member ('User') shall constitute as a 'Breach' of said member ('User') agreement, included, but not limited to, Erotic Night's In terms, conditions, policies, restrictions, guidelines, and rules.

6. Breach Remedies For Erotic Night's In: Erotic Night's In, if at any given time or date, becomes an 'Injured Party', during and after any member ('User') agreement, shall be entitled to 'Breach' remedies and other possible legal remedies associated to member ('User') violations and negligence incurred, included, but limited to. violations of said terms, conditions, etc, of Erotic Night's In.

Erotic Night's In shall be entitled to:

  • Punitive damages;

  • T.O.R.T damaes;

  • General damages;

  • Compensatory damages;

  • Judicial relief;

  • Civil penalties not less than $ 7,000.00 ('Seven thousand dollars') per injury, or damage, or harm incurred by the unlawful or restricted acts of any member ('User');

7. Breach Settlement: Upon settlement of any form of 'Breach' established between the 'Injured Party' and 'Breached Party' pertaining to his/her member ('User') agreement, shall completely settle all disputes, claims, damages, obligations, or fees, as a whole or in part by Erotic Night's In associated with injuries incurred by the 'Breached Party'.

Governing Body

The governing body and law for each member ('User') agreement, included, but not limited to, said term and conditions under the business and services of Erotic Night's In, shall operate under 'Common Law'.

Aso mulimuli na fa'afou Faiga Fa'alilolilo: Mati 8, 2022

Aso mulimuli o suiga ole upega tafa'ilagi: Mati 8, 2022


1. Fa'aoga O Fa'amatalaga Fa'ainitaneti : Matou te faia o se mana'oga mo tagata uma i luga o le initaneti ma le tuimotu ('User') o Erotic Night's In e fatuina a latou lava 'User' profiles o lo'o i ai fa'amatalaga o latou filifiliga, e aofia ai: ata, musika, telefoni. numera, imeli, faʻamatalaga tau tupe, faʻailoga, ma isi mea, sei vagana ai mea e faʻasaina e lenei Faiga Faʻapitoa o loʻo tuʻuina atu iinei.  O le tiute o tagata ta'ito'atasi i luga o le initaneti ma le tuimotu ('User') e pulea a latou 'User' profiles ma tala, ma tausia a latou faamatalaga, e pei o; Fa'amatalaga patino, ma/po'o fa'amatalaga fa'alilolilo e 'alofia ai gaioiga masalomia ma fa'a'ole'ole. Erotic Night's In, o le a le fa'asoa, fa'atau atu, pe fa'aalia lenei fa'amatalaga teu, (e le aofia ai fa'amatalaga fa'aalia e 'User' ta'itasi), i isi. E mafai e 'User' ta'itasi i luga ole laiga ma tuimotu ona fa'afou, fa'aleaogaina, pe fa'amutaina a latou tala i so'o se taimi. O fa'amatalaga fa'aalia o le a fa'aosofia ai tagata ta'ito'atasi ('User') pe fa'apea o lo'o teuina, o le a fa'aalia i luga o le upega tafa'ilagi mo isi e va'ai, pe leai.


2. Ta'aloga Tapula'a: E fa'atulafonoina mo tagata uma i luga ole laiga ma tuimotu ('User') o Erotic Night's In ina ia usita'ia nei ta'iala e fesoasoani e aloese mai le fa'aleagaina po'o le manu'a i/mai isi. Erotic Night's In e matua fa'asāina uma lava gaioiga fa'asolitulafono, e pei o: Fa'asauaga tutusa, fa'atupu fa'afeusuaiga, sauaga fa'afeusuaiga i so'o se natura, fa'ata'ita'i tutusa, fa'aaoga sese o fualaau fa'asaina, fa'amatalaga sese tutusa, anotusi manino e fa'aalia ai sauaga, taufa'amata'u, ponokalafi tamaiti, fefa'ataua'iga tagata, taufaasese , gaoi fa'asinomaga, ma isi i taimi uma. O nei gaioiga o le a le taliaina pe faʻatagaina i soʻo se taimi ma e ono iʻu ai i le vave faʻaleaogaina poʻo le faʻamutaina o lau faʻamatalaga i luga ole laiga ma le tuimotu ma matou. e aunoa ma le avanoa e finau ai sea tagi

3. Ta'alo Saogalemu: I le avea ai ma se tagata i luga o le initaneti ma le tuimotu ('User') o Erotic Night's In, e aofia ai, ae le gata i, o auaunaga pe i luga ole laiga pe tuusao, o se mea e manaʻomia e teu ai faʻamatalaga maʻaleʻale poʻo faʻamatalaga patino ia te oe lava. Matou te fautuaina malosi tagata taʻitoʻatasi i luga o le initaneti pe tuimotu ('User') e tausisi i faʻatonuga, tulafono, ma tulafono faatonutonu pe a faʻamalosia e aloese mai manuʻa i soʻo se natura. Fa'aeteete tele pe a auai pe auai i so'o se auaunaga e saunia e le Erotic Night's In, aua e le nafa i matou i so'o se auala mo isi sui ('User') po'o feiloaiga tuusao, ma fesootaiga. Fesoasoani mai e fesoasoani ia te oe!


Mo faiga fa'afeusuaiga i luga ole laiga ma tuimotu, matou te fa'amalosia malosi ma fautuaina tagata ta'ito'atasi ('User') ina ia usita'ia manaoga o le Erotic Night's In e fesoasoani ai e 'alofia pe fa'aititia le lamatiaga o fa'ama'i pipisi tutusa.

4. Avanoa o le Auai: I le avea ai o se sui auai i luga ole laiga ma tuusao ('User') o le Erotic Night's In, e aofia ai, ae faatapulaa i, auaunaga, e mafai e tagata taitoatasi i luga o le initaneti ma le tuusao ('User') ona maua avanoa e auai ai i gaoioiga. tuimotu. O ia gaioiga, e aofia ai mea tutupu, e le mafai ona faʻaalia i luga o le upega tafaʻilagi, ae peitaʻi e lafo i fafo e ala ile imeli.  

5. Tapulaa o Valaaulia e le Initaneti:  O lo'o fa'amauina malosi e le o sui uma ('User') o le Erotic Night's In, e aofia ai ma ana tautua, e ono mafai ona 'auai i lenei fa'aoga tuusao. O valaaulia e masani ona lafo atu i nisi taimi, ae i ni numera laiti. O nisi o gaioiga tuusao e mafai ona fa'aali fa'afuase'i i totonu o le Play Community mo tagata fou ('User') e ulufale i ai e ala i le mauaina o la matou 'Ta'alo Tala Fou' vaega.

6. Aia Tatau o le Fa'amutaina o Fa'amatalaga Fa'ainitaneti ma le Initaneti: Erotic Night's In, e aofia ai ma le aufaigaluega fa'atagaina e i ai le aia tatau e aveese, fa'aleaogaina, pe fa'amutaina so'o se fa'amatalaga i luga ole laiga ma/po'o le tuimotu, po'o auaunaga i so'o se taimi, pe a tatou lagona, pe fa'amautu lena mea. o lea tala 'User' ua solia la matou Faiga Fa'alilolilo  fa'asaina e le tulafono.

  7. VIP Play Passes, Play Pal Passes ma Fa'aoga:  O le a le VIP Play Passes? O lenei ituaiga o pasi e tu'uina atu i tagata fou i luga ole laiga ma le tuimotu ('User') avanoa e tasi e maua ai le poto masani ile Erotic Night's In offline services. O le a le 'Play Pal' pass? O lenei ituaiga o pasi, e tu'uina atu i luga o le initaneti ma le tuimotu tagata ('User') e aumai se volenitia fa'atasi ma ia e fa'ata'ita'i i auaunaga Erotic Night's In, mo taimi ta'itasi na tu'uina atu e le Erotic Night's In.


O pasi ta'itasi e faia e le Erotic Night's In, e fa'atatau i faiga fa'avae ma tapula'a a le Erotic Night's In o lo'o ta'ua ii, ma ta'ua i totonu oa tatou Tuutuuga o Fa'aoga. O pasi o loʻo taʻua i luga e faʻasaina mai le mauaina o isi teugatupe, e pei o; Pisinisi tala, ATM's, fa'ailoga fa'apitoa, pine, ma isi. O nei pasi e na'o le mauaina pe a fa'aalia gaioiga i luga o le upega tafa'ilagi, avanoa mo tagata i luga ole laiga ('User') e fa'atau. O nei pasi e muta vave lava pe a uma le gaioiga fa'aali tuimotu.

Iloa Au Aia Tatau

E iai lau aia tatau nei:

- Le lipotiina o gaioiga faasolitulafono i Erotic Nights In ma/poʻo pulega maualuluga

- Ia fa'agata, fa'aleaogaina, pe fa'amutaina lau tala i luga ole laiga.

- Ia saili fesoasoani faaloia.

- Ia feutagai ma lau foma'i a'o le'i auai.

- Le fa'aogaina o lau sa'olotoga fa'afeusuaiga fa'atasi ai ma tapula'a i totonu ole Erotic Night's In e le solia ai tu'utu'uga ma tu'utu'uga o lo'o fa'atulaga ii.

- E feutagai ma lau paaga, leoleo faaletulafono, poʻo se tagata o le aiga e uiga i le auai i le Erotic Night's In

- Le fa'asoaina atu o fa'asalalauga, fa'amatalaga patino, po'o fa'amatalaga i isi.

- Le le auai i le Erotic Night's I auaunaga i luga ole laiga po'o auaunaga tuusao.

- Ia malupuipuia i totonu o latou tagata, fale, pepa, ma aafiaga e faasaga i gaoioiga faasolitulafono.

- Faatasi ai ma le umiaina o ni aia tatau, e le o taʻua i totonu, e le tatau ona faauigaina e teena pe faʻaleagaina isi o loʻo taofia e tagata.

- Ia fiafia i le olaga, sa'olotoga moni, e aunoa ma le soliga o isi, ma/po'o le fa'amanu'a po'o le fa'aleagaina o isi.

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