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Legal  Terms & Copyrights

Last date Legal Terms & Copyrights has been updated: March 15, 2022

Last date of website changes: March 15, 2022


Disclaimer: By clicking 'Sign Up', you hereby agree to be legally bound by the Privacy Policy, included, but not limited to, it's terms and conditions, legal use, copyrights, etc, within this website, including Erotic Night's In offline activities alike., and that you are at an legal age required by law in your area to enter this website, as to view, exchange, post alike, update, create, download, promote, participate, and/or transfer adult materials ('e.g. photos, videos, webcam, slideshows, etc') alike,. We strongly advise online members, and offline members that it is best to not engage into online or offline activities, included, but not limited to, sexual activities, chatting with members online or outside this social community, dating  online or outside this social community, or simply engaging in activities that may lead to interactions with others, that may cause physical interactions with other online members, to avoid injury or harm ('whether it be physical, mental, psychological, spiritual, or emotional' harm) at all costs. Erotic Night's In and it's services were created without the United States, included, but not limited to, jure; united states, United States of America, united states of america alike, and that this website contains graphic images, videos, and content alike, that may not be suitable for children under the legal age restricted by law within your respected area. Be sure to speak with your legal guardian before entering this website. We have the following right to deny website access and services to all visitors and participants who are in violation of our Privacy Policy, Terms nd Conditions, and others. For the safety and security of our services, in whole, each visitor must register by completing a 'Member Sign Up' form, which requires an electronic signature ('E-Signature') to be signed by the actual visitor, for the void of fraud. Each electronic signature submitted, is reviewed, and shall constitute as an legal agreement between two parties, pertaining to contract law. The 'Member Sign Up' form, shall also constitute as a 'Waiver Of Rights' in any nature. If any entity of any kind, causes to injure, attempt to conspire, attempt to subject, intimidate, alter, misrepresent, and/or cause to commit any unlawful act against us ('e.g. we, I,, etc'), shall be subject to the penalties mentioned herein: 3 Years in prison; $ 10,000.00 fine' or both. To all government officials, and law enforcement ('whether under any color of law') alike, are not exempt from the aforementioned Privacy Policy, etc, mentioned herein, and agree and certify that you are bound by these terms stated herein..  Failure to present legal documentation, included, but not limited to, delegation of authority, and physical proof of jurisdiction alike, over Erotic Night's In, and it's members alike, will result as 'Trespass' ('Trespass - a violation of right; a right that is interfered by others, etc'), and shall be subject to the aforementioned penalties mentioned above. All members of Erotic Night's In are private for security purposes. No material or content created by Erotic Night's In shall be used, distributed, or shared at any given time.  All rights reserved.


     Copyright is a property right in an original work of authorship, including: Literal, musical, dramatic, choreographic, pictorial, graphic, motion pictures, and other visual works.

The Founder and President of Erotic Night's In owns full rights to each logo, trademark, mark, symbol, and materials associated with Erotic Night's In. Each aforementioned material of Erotic Night's In shall not be distributed, used, sold, copied, conveyed, nor be infringed upon in any nature, at any time, nor shall be trespassed against at any given time whatsoever. We prohibit any unlawful action that causes harm and/or injury in any nature, including, false information, intimidation, threats alike.

Our Service Providers, and other third parties and their information, or data, including, but not limited to, websites, links, logos, services, trademarks, marks, symbols, and other materials are not owned by Erotic Night's In in any nature, and alleges no claim about it. Erotic Night's In has no affiliation with any party mentioned within our website. Services provided by certain parties, were either: Purchased entirely, in whole, or in part,  and may be seen within our website. 


     Copyright Infringement is a breaking into; a trespass; violation of a  law; regulation;  contract of right(s).

To each party who violates these said rights, shall be defined as a 'Trespasser'. Each trespasser who cases to violate our rights, terms and conditions, privacy policy, and legal terms and copyrights, at any given time, a lawsuit will be filed against you. Upon such legal action, an negotiable instrument may be sent, delivered, emailed, or given to you or your legal representative, with a set time of 30 days to help rectify the issues at hand. If such negotiable instruments are treated as null and void in any way, after receiving such negotiable instrument, all negotiations will no longer be available for rectification. 

For our Service Providers and third parties copyrights, and privacy policies, please feel free to visit each link, or website provided within our website. Each link will respectively redirect you to their respective websites.

Fair Use Restrictions

No member ('User') shall use restricted materials, content, images, videos, and other information contained within this website and business of Erotic Night's In, at any given time, for Fair Usages. All materials, content, images, videos, and information displayed, or used by Erotic Night's In does not permit any member ('User') to bypass these restrictions, whether under colour of any law.

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